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Contact: Cathy in the Church Office

Annual Giving or ordinary giving is the regular practice of returning to God a portion of all that God has given us. It involves teaching ourselves how to create a life built upon the notion that all that we have is a gift from God. Pledging each year is the most direct way most of us engage in stewardship.

Besides sustaining and expanding the mission and ministry of the church where we worship and are formed and cared for, a portion of this giving goes to fund the mission and ministry of the diocese.

Annual giving pledges provide about 85% of our annual operating income. Other regular givers who did not complete a pledge card provide another 5%. Our goal is for annual pledged giving to provide 95% of our annual operating expenses.

Campaign Documents: [will download to your downloads folder. ]

Save the Date! - Stewardship has begun…


Who:       You!

What:      Regular 9:30 Sunday Service

When:     Sun, Nov 3

Where:    In Person & Online

Why:       Your annual pledge is essential.


  1. Review your current giving, pray, and consider your pledge.

  2. On or before November 3, contact Dick Young or Beth Mayhew with your pledge. Attend our Ingathering Sunday.


Take part in our next step of growing God’s kingdom!

¡Guarde la fecha! - La mayordomía ha comenzado ...


Quién:     ¡Usted!

Qué:        Asista a la misa en español a las 11:15 de la mañana: noviembre 3

Donde:    ¡San Cristóbal, por supuesto!

Por qué:  Su compromiso anual es esencial para que el liderazgo de la iglesia pueda presupuestar para nuestra misión y ministerio


  1. Vea su carpeta en el carrito de correo.

  2. Revise lo que dio antes, ore y considere su promesa.

  3. El 3 de noviembre o antes, traiga su compromiso. Asista a la misa por favor.


¡Venga y participe en nuestro próximo paso de crecimiento del reino de Dios!

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