Service Times in person & online:
Sun — 9:30 am English Service
— 11:15 am Misa en Español
Service Times in person only:
Wed — 10:00 am English Healing Service
10233 W Peoria Avenue, Sun City, AZ 85351 623.972.1100
Both Sunday services can be found on YouTube (see link below):
01-05-2025 - Bulletin for the 9:30 a.m. Service
01-05-2025 Boletín para el servicio de las 11:15 a.m.
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body" [1 Corinthians 12:13 "]
We are the Body of Christ and we take community seriously.
Ministries: Worship & Prayer: Altar Servers
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. [Acts 2:42]
St. Christopher's is blessed with many dedicated parishioners who assist at the altar. Each has a particular role to play, but most can move from one role to another during the service. All who serve do so with a glad heart, plus they have front row seats. Not bad duty for a feast that has been happening for over 2,000 years with a menu that never changes!
“Acolyte” means an attendant or follower, and Samuel is one of the first examples of an assistant to a priest. The acolytes assist the celebrant on Sunday and at other services as needed.
Chalice Bearers
The Chalice Bearers assist the clergy by administering (distributing) the consecrated (blessed) wine during communion. Chalice bearers wear vestments (robes) at both Sunday services. During the distribution of communion, the priest gives out the bread, and the chalice bearers give out the wine saying “the blood of Christ, the cup of salvation."
The Crucifer carries the cross leading the choir into the nave at the Entrance, before the reading of the Gospel and Retiring processions.
The subdeacon leads the prayers of the people and assists in the administration of communion.
Torch Bearers
The torch bearers carry torches representing the “Light of Christ” during the processional, recessional and gospel procession. They light and extinguish the altar candles.
Training sessions are held periodically. If you are interested in serving at the altar in any of these roles, please contact Patty Emanuelson.
Contact: Patty Emanuelson (Verger)